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The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

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Smaller Companies | Masterclass


Learning: Structured

There are some big problems facing the global economy and world markets at the moment, from rising inflation to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. What does this all mean for smaller companies? This Masterclass in association with Premier Miton discusses these topics and more. Taking part are:

  • Nick Ford, Fund Manager, Premier Miton US Smaller Companies Fund
  • Alan Rowsell, Portfolio Manager, Premier Miton Global Smaller Companies Fund

Learning outcomes:

  1. The conditions that tend to favour smaller company outperformance
  2. The small cap effect and why it still works in a digital age
  3. The impact of rising rates and inflation on smaller companies' prospects